
Brosnan’s ‘Save a Child’  initiative was established to  address the national tragedy  of missing and exploited  children. This public/private  partnership harnesses the  synergy of Brosnan’s various  capabilities and integrated  national network of employees  to rescue and recover those  children before they fall victim  to predatory trafficking and  exploitation.  

Child sex trafficking has  devastating consequences for  its minor victims, including  long-lasting physical and  psychological trauma, disease,  and/or even death.


While there is no single indicator confirming the existence of child sex trafficking, several  indicators combined can mean it is more likely that a child is being exploited or is actively  being targeted and recruited.

Behavioral Indicators

Child has a significant change in behavior

Child avoids answering questions or lets others speak for him or her

Child appears frightened, resistant, or belligerent to law enforcement

Child lies about his or her age and identity

Child is preoccupied with “getting money”


Child has multiple cell phones and/or electronic devices

Child has large amounts of cash or prepaid credit cards

Multiple children are present with an unrelated male or female

Child has hotel keys, hotel receipts, or other items from a hotel/motel

Child is recovered at a hotel, street track, truck stop, or strip club


Brosnan’s Save a Child program received a missing person's report on October 27 through its partnership with the Rockland County Department of Social Services. The case involved a 14-year-old female classified as an endangered runaway, at risk of prostitution and drug use. Brosnan’s Investigations unit collaborated with local police departments and the Lieutenant in charge of the Rockland County Sherrif’s office Intelligence Unit, providing vital information at no cost.


The mother of the missing child received a call from her daughter who said she was in the Bronx, but was unsure of her exact location. Brosnan coordinated with the Rockland County Sherrif’s Office and the mother to arrange safe escort and travel. The minor was returned home safely and is under the care of social services. Brosnan continues to support the sheriff's office in their investigation to identify the sex traffickers who have come in contact with the young girl.


The established cooperative agreements with department of social service, sheriff’s office and police departments demonstrate Brosnan’s ability to rapidly respond to urgent situations when a minor is in imminent danger, recover them and return them safely.